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or, A Clownes conceite on occasion offered. bewraying a morrallised metamorphoses of changes vpon interrogatories: shewing a litle wit, with a great deale of will; or in deed, more desirous to please in it, then to profite by it. Clapt vp by a Clowne of the towne in this last restraint, hauing litle else to doe, to make a litle vse of his fickle Muse, and carelesse of carping. By Clunnyco de Curtanio Snuffe [i.e. Robert Armin]

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He had much wit.

He had muth wit, else had he neare been ritch,
For what he hath, he had it through the fier.
He had much wit, and there are but few such,
That with their wit can purchase their desier.
A number liue that wisely would be thought,
When their wit failes them, & doth come to nought
Houses he hath a number, and much land,
His pursse is stuft, and he hath a full hand;

But of his store what giues he to the needie?
Nothing at all, in that he is not speedie.
His pursse is tide fast, and his minde is sparing,
And for the poorer sort hath litle caring.
Had he much wit to get this worldes encrease.
And hath he no wit left rightly to vse it?
He hath no wit then now, and therefore peace,
Such as haue Gods true blessing, and abuse it,
Had better be still poore: for fellow credite me,
He hath but litle wit, and farre lesse honestie.


He that gets much and little giues,
He seemes a liuing man, but little liues,
He that had wit him selfe to thrall,
Better say I, h'had had no wit at all.