![]() | The Poems of St. George Tucker of Williamsburg, Virginia 1752-1827 | ![]() |
The Alarm
A Real Story Which Happened in Bermuda, in the Year 1776
When first the laurels 'gan to grow
On Admiral Hopkins' dreadful brow,
His fame was o'er the Atlantic spread,
And stoutest bosoms filled with dread.
For governors and folks of state
Were surest objects of his hate;
Thus when to Providence he went,
With cannon he was not content,
But added to his vast renown,
By carrying off the governor Bruere.
On Admiral Hopkins' dreadful brow,
His fame was o'er the Atlantic spread,
And stoutest bosoms filled with dread.
For governors and folks of state
Were surest objects of his hate;
Thus when to Providence he went,
With cannon he was not content,
But added to his vast renown,
By carrying off the governor Bruere.
On mischief bent, and fraught with guile
Fame hied her to Bermuda's isle.
And in the shape of Afric's son,
Her flight directed to the town.
The hero's feats, his matchless fame
She trumpets forth with loud acclaim,
And adds, that with a mighty train
Of ships he ploughed the watery main,
Whose rapid course was hither bent,
To glut the warrior's fell intent.
“E'en now, borne by the western gales,
I saw,” she cried, “his swelling sails,
With other numerous ships beside,
Which o'er the billows proudly ride;
So swift their course, that e'en the sun
Shall set, each wight will be undone.”
A general panic now prevails
And every Tory breast assails
With hideous fears—each doughty Whig
Now struts with self-importance big.
Some to the caverned mansions hie;
Some mount the hills, the fleet to spy;
Another train with busy care
For flight with their effects prepare.
Fame hied her to Bermuda's isle.
And in the shape of Afric's son,
Her flight directed to the town.
The hero's feats, his matchless fame
She trumpets forth with loud acclaim,
And adds, that with a mighty train
Of ships he ploughed the watery main,
Whose rapid course was hither bent,
To glut the warrior's fell intent.
“E'en now, borne by the western gales,
I saw,” she cried, “his swelling sails,
With other numerous ships beside,
Which o'er the billows proudly ride;
So swift their course, that e'en the sun
Shall set, each wight will be undone.”
And every Tory breast assails
With hideous fears—each doughty Whig
Now struts with self-importance big.
Some to the caverned mansions hie;
Some mount the hills, the fleet to spy;
Another train with busy care
For flight with their effects prepare.
It chanced that day was marked by fete
For Dromis to give a treat,
Of turtle to a chosen few
Whose hearts were loyal, warm and true.
Each dainty that the isles afford.
And richest viands crowned the board.
The guests were all conducted in;
Each with his napkin at his chin,
Views with anticipating glee,
The savory stew, and calipee:
With brandished knives they now prepare
To feast upon the dainty cheer;
But as each hand its treasure reared,
The dreadful trump of Fame was heard.
Aghast, they listen to the sound:
Not e'en the Gorgon's hissing head
Could fill their souls with greater dread.
With hairs erect, in wild dismay,
They know not where to bend their way;
Winged by their fears, at length they fly
With sails and oars the bark to ply;
And thus (as mice desert their cheese
If they but hear the sound of keys)
The loyal friends, with panic stored,
The turtle left upon the board.
For Dromis to give a treat,
Of turtle to a chosen few
Whose hearts were loyal, warm and true.
Each dainty that the isles afford.
And richest viands crowned the board.
The guests were all conducted in;
Each with his napkin at his chin,
Views with anticipating glee,
The savory stew, and calipee:
With brandished knives they now prepare
To feast upon the dainty cheer;
But as each hand its treasure reared,
The dreadful trump of Fame was heard.
Aghast, they listen to the sound:
Not e'en the Gorgon's hissing head
Could fill their souls with greater dread.
With hairs erect, in wild dismay,
They know not where to bend their way;
Winged by their fears, at length they fly
With sails and oars the bark to ply;
And thus (as mice desert their cheese
If they but hear the sound of keys)
The loyal friends, with panic stored,
The turtle left upon the board.
Written in Bermuda, June, 1776
![]() | The Poems of St. George Tucker of Williamsburg, Virginia 1752-1827 | ![]() |