University of Virginia Library


Hillel Foundation: Friday
Deli-Diner Feb 11, 6:00 p.m.
295-4963 for reservations.

REMINDER: Don't forget to get
your tickets for Friday night's
Midwinter's Weekend Concert.
Tickets: $3.00 advance, $4.00

Biology Seminar, Dr. Robert Briggs
of Indiana University 4:00 p.m.,
Gilmer Hall, Room 150.

"Operation Entertainment" Friday,
February 11, 7-9 p.m. Cable T.V.
Room, $.75 for cup, drink all the

Prism—Fri—Steve Goss and John
Van Lear-original material
Sat-Sunset Lou-Blues.

Bernard Weisberger, Informal
Seminar. "Popular Religion in the
19th Century." 4A Newcomb. Feb
11. 1972 9:00 a.m.