University of Virginia Library


NEED RIDE Feb. 19 to Athens,
Ohio, or vicinity (Ohio/W. Va.) will
pay. Tim Wheeler 295-8534.

Peach Corps - 2nd floor. Newcomb
Hall, Feb. 15-19.

WANTED: girl's or boy's 3, 5 or 10
speed bicycle. Will buy immed. Call

University Union - Alderman
Legislative Council Dance, Fri.,
Feb. 19, 8-12 P.M., Ballroom,
Newcomb Hall, $2.50 per couple.

NEED RIDE for my date from U.
of Md. (or D.C.) for Midwinters and
other weekends. Call Frank,

SUMMER EUROPE $199 - June 11
- Sept. 1 or June 28 - Aug. 28.
R/T N.Y. - London - Boeing 707
Jet. Open to all Univ. Students,
faculty, staff & family. Call
293-9485 after 10 P.M.

- The Delta Gamma Alumna
Association of Charlottesville wants
to know who you are. Please call

Chemistry major or Chemical
Engineer? 1st rush smoker for
Alpha Chi Sigma, the Professional
Chemistry Fraternity, will be Fri.
Feb. 19, 8:00, 111. Montebello
Circle. For further info. Check
around Chem. Bldg. or call
295-6766. Bring a date or come
alone, refreshments will be served.