University of Virginia Library



ODK Fall election: 7:30 at
Jefferson Hall Wed. Dec. 2.

Mr. Norman Lytle, Director of the
Baptist Student Union, will speak
on "A Christian Attitude Toward
the State of Israel," at the Baptist
Student Union on Jefferson Park
Ave. at 7:30. Sponsored by
Madison Hall, Public Invited.

UVA Chapter of the Society of
Architectural Historians, "Adam in
Scotland" by Collin McWilliam at
4:00, Campbell Hall, Room 153.

New Engineering Party meeting at
7:30 P.M. in A.M. 200. Anyone
interested may attend.

Meeting of the Outing Club, 7:30
P.M., Room 4C.

University Union IMPORTANT
Publicity meeting 7:30 tonight in
Visitors Lounge, Newcomb Hall.


CAVE CLUB Meeting at 7:30 P.M.
in Newcomb Hall, Room 4C.

Chess Club - The 30-30
tournament begins at 8:00 P.M. in
N.H. basement. No entry fee.

Alpha Chi Sigma meeting at 7:30
P.M. 111 Montebello Circle.

University Union Thursday Film
Series presents "Marat Sade" in
Newcomb Hall Ballroom at 7:00
and 9:30 P.M. Entrance 75 cents.


Help locate books, notes missing
since last Monday, Documents
Room, Alderman, Research and
Time at stake, 295-6099.

FOUND - watches; Ford motor
keys: several rings. Identify at
Director's Office, Newcomb Hall.

Women interested in Women's
Liberation please come to the
Wesley Foundation, 2nd floor
conference room. Sunday night,
Dec. 6 at 7:30.

Someone with the Virginia
Spectator please get in touch with
Mr. Myers 293-8195.

AIAA Meeting 7:30 PM A&M
Auditorium speaker. Mr. G.D.
Summers/Fairchild Hiller subject:
"Medical applications of Aerospace
Technology" Everyone Invited.