The Cavalier daily. Friday, February 7, 1969 | ||
Revere 8mm Movie camera,
turret lenses, $25. Agia Isolette III,
double reflex camera, needs shutter
repair, $15. Call Henry 293-3411.
Amplifier-Baldwin Exterminaor
250 watts, Toves fired me - need
cash, $500, call Chet Blakistone
Ouagadougou, Omu, Okefenokee,
Oahu. Maps of these and
other places available at Old
Dominion Map Co., below Noonday.
Uniform, naval officers, dress
blues, khakis, whites, for size
40-5′10″, 150 lb. man, 296-1106 or
Fender Jazzmaster guitar Proreverb
amp, Shure microphone, like
new - trumpet - like old. Bob
Zider 293-2290.
1967 Mustang, excellent condition,
$1595. Phone 296-3961.
Fifis Combo Organ (7 months
old), Fender-Leslie tone cabinet (4
months old), Fender Bassman. Buying
Hammond. Call Ken 293-2415.
67 Mustang 289 cu. in., 4 speed
console, air conditioned, excellent,
Still under warranty. Call Vin
Poster sale - hundreds of posters
at ½ price closeout, Friday,
Saturday, and next Wednesday
nights only. Hurry to Xanadu at the
Akai Stereo Tape Recorder,
$150 296-5244.
Corvair Convertible 1965. Gray,
new tires, radio, heater, super deal.
$760. Call Bob Zider 293-2990.
1962 Wileys Jeep Station Wagon
$125. Call 296-4529.
All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible student
of the University will be allowed
to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.
Private room - now. Refrigerator,
Den, phone, TV. Will make deal.
Ask only for Fletcher Collins at
295-4964 after 6.
Need fourth party to fill apartment
- 1 block from U. Cheap. No
utility charges, 167 Chancellor St.,
No. 1, 293-8079.
Cottage, 20 minutes drive from
University, living room, dining-kitchen,
two bedrooms, bath, 3
fireplaces, furnished, $100 month.
Available Immediately, Dr. Fry
296-6240 or 924-3401.
Large quiet private room, private
entrance, and full bath, new
house. Near U., 2 5-4598.
Still need roommate to fill 6
man house. $120 for entire
semester, incl. utilities. Located 5
min. from Cabell Hall or E-School.
Phone 293-4263 after 6.
Female student to share 2 room
apartment, ½ block from Cabell
Hall 295-3423.
Church Organist for Episcopal
Church 296-6671.
Roommate wanted til June, 2
man apartment, 163 Chancellor St.,
No. 8. 295-1024.
Typing to do in my home. Call
293-2272 after 6.
Female roommate wanted to
share apartment with two students
during Spring semester. Call
296-3121 after 5.
$50 reward to anyone acting as
a substitute for a tenant in the
Alderman Rd. Dorms. Call
295-5340 and leave name and
phone number.
Wanted teacher of Swedish language
for private lessons or small
interested group. Call 295-1946.
Work wanted - typing for students
or departments at home.
$0.40 per sheet, double spaced,
plus $0.05 for each carbon. University
area. 296-8601.
For excellent theatrical entertainment,
come see Theater Wagon,
Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 p.m.,
The Albemarle Hotel. For reservations
call 296-2969. Admission
Do you have a girlfriend or
fiance in Washington, D.C. vicinity
and find telephone service inefficient
and ridiculously expensive?
If so, it may be possible to set up a
direct line to Washington. If interested
contact Spence Marcus at
Forget to get a room for your
date? Call Carroll Gothie,
Must give away seven-week old
long-hair kittens, immediately; call
Photographs for Graduate
School Application, ROTC, etc.
One day service. Negatives kept on
file for future use. We send them to
you. Gitchell's Studio, 521 E. Main.
Phone 296-7658.
Would the student that talked
with Campus Crusade for Christ at
Washington National Airport Dec.
30 contact Ron Minekime at
Found: Rings. Furman Univ.
and John B. Gordon, James Wood
and Geo. C. Marshall High Schools.
Also sterling silver wedding band
found in Memorial Gym field.
Claim at Director's Office, 4th
Floor, Newcomb Hall.
The Cavalier daily. Friday, February 7, 1969 | ||