University of Virginia Library


THOSE organizations which
want to appeal their allotment of
Student. Activities funds recommended
by the Student Council
must present such appeal in writing
to the office of the Student Activities
Committee Chairman, Dean D.
A. Williams by Thursday morning,
Dec. 12. Hearing of such appeals
will be at the Student Activities
Committee meeting at 4 p.m. that
afternoon in the office of the Chairman,
Pavilion VIII, basement.

VA. PLAYERS present "Sweet
Bird of Youth" by Tennessee
Williams, Tuesday thru Friday at
8:30 p.m., Minor Hall. Call for
reservations 924-3051, 2-5 p.m.

NEW YORK University: School
of Law will interview prospective
students on Dec. 12. Please contact
Office of Placement, 5 Minor Hall
for appointment.

IF ENOUGH interest develops,
a section of English 58 (Creative
Writing) devoted to poetry will be
offered in the spring semester. It
will be taught by Visiting Asst.
Professor John Morgan, a pact on
the staff. Interested students please
write Mr. Morgan, c/o English
Dept., 530 Cabell Hall, or come to
the department office and sign up
by Dec. 15.

Z Society: You have mall at the
Student Government Office.

A LIST of typists is available at
the Newcomb Hall desk.

will address the Law School Young
Republicans in Law School Lounge
at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, His topic
will be "A Criminologist's Reaction
to Disparate Views of Richard
Nixon and Hubert Humphrey on
the Cause and Control of Crime."

THE DEADLINE for the short
story, poetry and one-act play categories
of the Fine Arts Contest has
been extended until Jan. 10. Entries
in these categories as well as
the satirical essay, photography,
and art categories are all due on
that date. They may be turned in
any weekday afternoon to the U.
Union office, 4th floor, Newcomb

ENGINEERS: The Engineering
Council urges you to carefully read
and vote for the proposed Constitution
of the School of Engineering
and Applied Science, Dec. 16-17.

chairman will address the U. Young
Republicans at 8 p.m. next Monday.
Location announced later.
Open to public.

thanks Theta Tau for the free
keg of beer at Sunday's football

ARCHITECTURE School meeting
Wednesday at 2 p.m., Main
Drafting room of Fayerweather