University of Virginia Library


Phi Sigma Society meeting, 8
p.m. Gilmer Hall Room 229. Talk
by Dr. M. Homzle of Dept. of
Psychology "Stimulus Factors in

Industrial designer Frank Gianninoto
of New York will deliver
illustrated lecture on non-verbal
communication in advertising and
industrial design, A& M Building,
7:30. Public invited.

Rapier Staff meeting, 8:30 p.m.
at 132 Chancellor Street.

Spirit Club meeting, 10 p.m. in
Alumni Hall.

"Easter and The Meaning of
Life" lecture by Dr. D. Via. Jr.
Professor of Religion at Wake
Forest U. at Baptist Student Center,
7 p.m.

The John B. Minor Pre-Legal
Society will sponsor a talk by
Professor E. Cohen "Law Schools
and Law Practice in the 70's" at
8:30 in Jefferson Hall.

Students who are planning to
take their comprehensive examination
in Biology in 1968 are
urged to attend an important
meeting which will be held at
7:30 in Room 150, Gilmer Hall.

Hackensack society meeting, 7
p.m., Sigma Nu. Required attendance.

IFC Combo committee meeting,
4:15 in IFC meeting room. Those
unable to attend can pick up
combo evaluation forms to be
distributed before Wednesday
from Ben Dailey or John English
at Phi Gam House.

University, Young Republicans
-election meeting, 8 p.m., Gilmer
Hall auditorium.