University of Virginia Library


LOST: a gray kitten, pink collar.
Vicinity of 1700 Jefferson
Park Avenue. Reward offered.
Call 293-8654.

Lost: at Sigma Chi House Friday
night, one khaki-colored
London Fog Raincoat with lining
removed. There is a similar coat
at the house. If found please call
Richard Harris, 213 Balz, 296-5343.

Lost—at Theta Delta Chi Friday
night, one khaki London Fog
with lining removed. If found return
to Jim Boniface, 232 Fitzhugh.

Lost: umbrella with brown tip.
gray name tag on carved handle.
Call Dane Smith, 293-4144.

Lost: Man's gold wedding band
inscribed "E. W. to W. R. 8-20-65."
Finder please call 293-8984,
after 5 p.m. Reward.