University of Virginia Library


Chapter 234. An ACT to amend and re-enact section 1420,
Chapter 65 of the Code of Virginia, in reference to the validity of
gifts, devises, et cetera, for purposes of education. (S. B. 174.)
Approved March 24, 1914.

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That section
1420, chapter 65, of the Code of Virginia be amended so as
to read as follows:

"Sec. 1420. Every gift, grant, devise or bequest which since the
second day of April, in the year 1839, has been, or at any time
hereafter shall be, made for literary purposes, or for the education
of white persons within this State, and every gift, grant, devise or
bequest which since the tenth of April, in the year 1865 has been,
or at any time hereafter shall be, made for literary purposes, or for
the education of colored persons within this State, and any gift, grant,
devise or bequest hereafter made for charitable purposes, whether
made in any case to a body corporate or unincorporated or to a natural
person, shall be as valid as if made to or for the benefit of a certain
natural person, except such devises or bequests, if any, as have
failed or become void by virtue of the seventh section of the act
of assembly passed on the said second of April, 1839, entitled an
act concerning devises made to schools, academies, and colleges.


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Nothing in this section shall be so construed as to give validity to
any devise or bequest to or for the use of any unincorporated theological
seminary." Acts 1914, p. 414.

Chapter 342. An ACT to authorize the board of supervisors
of the county of Albemarle to grant aid to a woman's co-ordinate
college of the University of Virginia. Approved March 27, 1914,
(S. B. 451.)

"1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the
board of supervisors of the county of Albemarle be, and it is
hereby authorized to appropriate a sum not exceeding $25000 to
be used towards the purchase of a site for and establishment of a
woman's co-ordinate college of the University of Virginia.

2. That if the said board of supervisors of the county of
Albemarle shall deem it advisable to issue bonds for said appropriation,
the said board is hereby further authorized to call an
election on the question of the issuance of such bonds by the said
county, and such election and the issuance of bonds thereunder
shall be pursuant to such laws.

3. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this
act are hereby repealed." Acts 1914, p. 677.

Chapter 343. An ACT to authorize the city council of the city
of Charlottesville to grant aid to a woman's co-ordinate college of
the University of Virginia. Approved March 27, 1914. (S. B.

"1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the
city council of the city of Charlottesville, be, and it is hereby authorized
to appropriate a sum not exceeding $25000 to be used
towards the purchase of a site for and the the establishment of a
woman's co-ordinate college of the University of Virginia.

2. That if the said city council of the city of Charlottesville
should deem it advisable to issue bonds for said appropriation, the
said council is hereby further authorized to call an election on the
question of the issuance of such bonds, according to the provisions
of law governing the issuance of bonds by said city, and such
election and the issuance of bonds thereunder shall be pursuant
to such laws.

3. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this
act are hereby repealed." Acts 1914, p. 678.