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Mathematics C1: Mathematics B2 prerequisite.—First term: Analytical
geometry of three dimensions and spherical trigonometry by the use of elementary
vector operations, like scaler products and vector products, and elementary functions
of matrices, like inverse and transpose. Second term: Advanced differential
calculus, including partial differentiation, gradients, Taylor's formula, etc. Third
term: Differential equations.

Associate Professor Linfield.

Mathematics C2: Higher Algebra: Mathematics B2 prerequisite.—Operations
with vectors, matrices, determinants and invariants, and their applications
to analytical geometry, projective geometry, non-Euclidean geometry and

Associate Professor Linfield.

Mathematics C3: Higher Geometry: Mathematics C2 prerequisite.—Algebraic
plane curves; circle and sphere geometry; line geometry, including differential
line geometry and the use of tensors. Given in alternate years with
Mathematics C5.
(Offered in 1934-35.)

Associate Professor Linfield.

Mathematics C4: Projective Geometry: An introductory course. Hours
by appointment.

Professor Luck.

Mathematics C5: Advanced Calculus (Second course): Mathematics C1
—Elliptic functions and integrals. Legendre's polynomials and Bessel's
functions and their application to problems in attraction, the Gamma function,


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calculus of variations, and other related subjects, including an introduction to difference
equations and to integral equations. Given in alternate years with Mathematics
(Given in 1933-34.)

Associate Professor Linfield.

Mathematics D1: Differential Geometry: Mathematics C1 and a reading
knowledge of German prerequisite.
—This course opens with a brief study of
ordinary differential equations from the Lie group standpoint and continues with
a study of the metric differential properties of plane and space curves and of
surfaces, including important curve families on surfaces such as lines of curvature,
asymptotic curves, geodesics, etc. Hours by appointment.

Professor Luck.

Only one of the courses C4 and D1 will be given in any one year.

Mathematics D3: Analysis: Mathematics C5 prerequisite.—A critical study
of the operations of differentiation and integration; of the convergence and uniform
convergence of series, infinite products, and infinite integrals, with emphasis on
detailed rigorous proof. Hours by appointment.

Associate Professor Linfield.

Mathematics D4: Theory of Functions: Mathematics C1 and D3 prerequisite.—Theory
of functions of a complex variable. Vector Analysis.
Hours by appointment.

Professor Echols.

The Echols Mathematics Club is composed of all officers of instruction
in mathematics, graduate students in mathematics, and those undergraduates
who show marked proficiency in this field. The club meets twice monthly
for discussion of mathematical subjects.