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Among the prominent young business men of
Roanoke may be mentioned the subject of this sketch,
O. H. Goad. Mr. Goad is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
William A. Goad and
illustration was born in Bedford
County, Virginia,
December 15th, 1873.
His early education was
acquired in the schools
of his native county and
he came to Roanoke in
the year 1897. Mr.
Goad was employed in
the Roanoke Machine
Works for a brief period
after which he
established a cigar store
at 11 Campbell Avenue.
By close attention to
his business it has grown
and expanded until the
present large proportions
have been
reached. He carries a full line of tobacco, cigars,
fruits, newspapers and periodicals. His success in
business is attributed largely to the fact that he has
always given his patrons the best goods on the market
for their money and has always given it his close
personal attention. He is popular among all classes
and is regarded as one of the city's most conservative
young business men.

In 1901 he was united in marriage to Mrs. P. M.
Mabry of this city.