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[Of every promised good our Lord]

There be some of them that stand here, which, &c. —ix. 1.

Of every promised good our Lord
To man vouchsafes an earnest here,
And Tabor doth a glimpse afford
Of what on Zion shall appear,
A glimmering of that brightest day
When Jesus shall His power assume,
His glorious majesty display,
And robed in light, to judgment come.
Jesus, before He sheds His blood
A foretaste of His glory gives,
Appears the true eternal God,
Our faith confirms, our hope revives:
That sweet anticipated sight
Takes off the scandal of His cross,
And arms our souls with love and might
And zeal to die in Jesus' cause.


[When six great days of God are pass'd]

After six days, Jesus taketh with Him Peter, &c. —ix. 2.

When six great days of God are pass'd
(Which man computes six thousand years)
The' eternal rest begins at last,
And Christ with all His saints appears!
The members in pure light array'd
On that celestial mountain meet,
And fashion'd like their dazzling Head
Make the triumphant church complete.
Thou city of the living God,
Mother and church of the first-born,
Jerusalem the saints' abode,
To thee we languish to return,


To put our glorious Saviour on,
Illustrious with His lustre shine,
Clear as the everlasting Sun,
And pure as Purity Divine.


[The image of the earthy now]

His raiment became shining, &c. —ix. 3.

The image of the earthy now
The death we in our bodies bear,
And daily on His cross we bow,
The kingdom of our Lord to share;
The image of the heavenly Man,
Our bodies, spiritual as His
In that sabbatic day shall gain
With fulness of immortal bliss.


[Who Moses and the prophets hear]

There appeared unto them Elias with Moses: &c. —ix. 4.

Who Moses and the prophets hear,
And Christ the Sum of all receive,
Transfigured shall with Christ appear,
With Him in light and glory live,
Obtain a never-fading crown,
Enraptured on their Saviour gaze,
For ever by His side sit down,
And talk with Jesus face to face.


[When Christ doth to the soul appear]

Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us, &c. —ix. 5.

When Christ doth to the soul appear,
How good, how pleasant to be here!
Eternal life in Him we know,
And paradise regain'd below:
But if on earth so sweet it is
A drop of that celestial bliss,
What will His saints enjoy above
In the full ocean of His love?
Happy who in His house abide,
Enroll'd among the glorified!


They tell the riches of His grace,
They sing in ecstasy of praise,
“How good for us Thy joy to gain,
And sharers of Thy kingdom reign;
To cast our crowns before Thy throne,
One with our Head, for ever one!”


[What endless scenes of wonder rise]

He wist not what to say; for they were sore afraid. —ix. 6.

What endless scenes of wonder rise
And strike with rapturous surprise,
When Jesus face to face we see
In all His pomp and majesty!
Angels adore the King of kings
Their faces shadowing with their wings,
And saints the' o'erpowering vision prove,
In deepest awe of speechless love!


[Surrounded with the golden blaze]

There was a cloud that overshadowed them, &c. —ix. 7.

Surrounded with the golden blaze,
Hid in the secret of His face,
Received within the lucid cloud,
Caught to the bosom of our God,
A voice shall bless us from the throne,
“This is My well-beloved Son,
The' essential Truth and Life Divine,
Through everlasting ages thine.”
Faithful and good, thy Saviour hear,
And seeing live, all eye, all ear
Hear Him, and let thy joys abound,
And fall transported at the sound,
The utmost powers of music prove,
Be fed, be feasted with His love;
And while eternity glides on
Thy banquet is but just begun.



['Tis there the law is void at last]

They saw no man any more, save Jesus only, &c. —ix. 8.

'Tis there the law is void at last,
The prophecies fulfill'd and pass'd,
Mysteries and ministries are o'er,
And God in Scripture speaks no more:
Contemplating their Lord alone
All things the saints possess in one,
Enjoy the blissful plenitude
Of God in Christ, and Christ in God.


[Wisdom we gain, O Lord, from Thee]

He charged them that they should tell no man, &c. —ix. 9.

Wisdom we gain, O Lord, from Thee,
Nor at all times to all declare
The truths which yet they cannot see,
Which young in grace they cannot bear;
The word we to the state adjust,
And learn in what degree to trust.
To all the twelve Thou wouldst not show
The sight Thou didst to three reveal,
That we may times and persons know,
Thy mysteries with discretion tell,
Tell every partner of Thy pain
They, only they, with Thee shall reign.


[Possess'd by sin the world and hell]

Bring him unto Me. —ix. 19.

Possess'd by sin the world and hell
My kindred Lord I see,
And bring the souls Thou lov'st so well
In fervent prayer to Thee.
Thou canst, Thou wilt, (I dare not doubt,)
The' indwelling demons chase;
I trust Thy power to cast them out,
I trust Thy pardoning grace.



[But is it possible, that I]

All things are possible to him that believeth. —ix. 23.

But is it possible, that I
Should live and sin no more?
Lord, if on Thee I dare rely,
The faith shall bring the power:
On me that faith Divine bestow
Which doth the mountain move,
And all my sinless life shall show
The' omnipotence of love.


[Lord, I at times in Thee believe]

Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief. —ix. 24.

Lord, I at times in Thee believe,
But soon my faith and courage fails;
Thy power no longer I receive,
And Amalek again prevails:
Sinking, to Thee for help I cry,
My desperate unbelief remove,
And give me always to rely
On Thine eternal truth and love.
My darkness by Thy light I see,
Mine unbelief by faith I know;
Yet still the mount abides on me,
But shall before Thy presence flow:
I count Thee to Thy promise just,
I wait to prove Thine utmost word,
I then shall every moment trust,
Shall every moment please my Lord.


[Lord, I believe, Thou wilt forgive]

Lord, I believe, Thou wilt forgive,
But help me to believe Thou dost:
The answer of Thy promise give,
Wherein Thou causest me to trust,
The gospel-faith Divine impart,
Which seals my pardon on my heart.


I do believe Thy blood was spilt
To make my heart and nature clean:
But help me to believe Thou wilt
This moment save me from my sin,
Preserve me every moment Thine,
A vessel pure of love Divine.
O that I could with all my heart
Entirely trust Thy gracious power
To make and keep me as Thou art,
To bid me go and sin no more,
No more in word or thought transgress
But live and die in perfect peace.
Thou wilt this secret bar remove:
But will my God remove it now?
How can I doubt the God of love?
The God of truth and wisdom Thou
Shalt in Thine own appointed day
Take all this unbelief away.
Here then in vehement hope I rest,
Nor put Thee off nor urge Thee on:
The secret lies within Thy breast,
Thy time and work to Thee are known,
And I shall in due season prove
That faith fill'd up is perfect love.


[Jesus omnipotent to heal]

I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no, &c. —ix. 25.

Jesus omnipotent to heal,
Thine utmost power exert,
And for Thy mercy sake expel
The fiend out of my heart:
Tormented by this spirit unclean
For help Divine I groan,


This Belial of indwelling sin
Will yield to God alone.
But if I can believe in Thee
My kind almighty Lord,
Impossibilities shall be
Accomplish'd by Thy word:
I do imperfectly believe,
Do Thou my doubts remove,
And help my weakness to receive
The holiness of love.
The same in every age Thou art,
Replete with grace and power
Command the demon to depart,
And never enter more,
And never more pollute my breast,
Disburden'd of its load,
By perfect purity possess'd,
For ever fill'd with God.


[Jesus, my Lord, I cry to Thee]

Jesus, my Lord, I cry to Thee
Against the spirit unclean;
I want a constant liberty
A perfect rest from sin:
Expel the fiend out of my heart
By love's almighty power,
Now, now command him to depart,
And never enter more.


[Saviour extend Thy hand of grace]

Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up, &c. —ix. 27.

Saviour extend Thy hand of grace
A feeble helpless soul to raise
Who, from the fiend's oppression freed
Still lies before Thy feet as dead.


O might I feel the touch Divine,
And live by faith entirely Thine,
And never act, and never move,
Without the conduct of Thy love!


[Waiting at his Saviour's feet]

If any man desire to be first, the same shall, &c. —ix. 35.

Waiting at his Saviour's feet,
Till Jesus bids him rise,
He alone is truly great
Who greatness dares despise,
Courts the dignity supreme
Obedient to his Master's call,
Seeks the praise that comes from Him
By ministering to all.


[Who would not eagerly desire]

He took a child, and set him in the midst, &c. —ix. 36.

Who would not eagerly desire
That envied infant's place?
Jesus, I to Thine arms aspire,
And pant for Thy embrace:
My ruin'd innocence re-give,
My lost simplicity,
And then with arms of love receive
A little child in me.


[How oft beneath a show of zeal]

We forbad him, because he followeth not us. —ix. 38.

How oft beneath a show of zeal
Our secret jealousies we hide,
Our nature's selfish ends conceal,
And say, “Let God be glorified!”
And steal the honours of His name,
To raise our own, or party's fame!
The preacher vehemently requires
That souls should follow Christ alone,


Yet oft unconsciously desires
That crowds should to his doctrine run,
After himself disciples draws,
And subtly seeks his own applause.


[Jesus, I belong to Thee]

Ye belong to Christ. —ix. 41.

Jesus, I belong to Thee,
Challenge Thine own property,
Made, and bought by Love Divine,
Thine I am, and doubly Thine:
Lest through me Thou suffer loss,
Nail me to Thy bleeding cross;
Farther to secure Thine own,
Make me partner of Thy throne.


[Sinner in love with guilty joys]

It is better for thee to enter into life maimed, &c. —ix. 43.

Sinner in love with guilty joys,
Compute while here thy final gain,
The pleasure of a moment poise
With an eternity of pain:
And, if in love with hell thou art,
Persist thy lusts to gratify,
Refuse with a right hand to part,
And choose the second death to die.


[The word His sacred lips hath pass'd!]

Their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. —ix. 44.

The word His sacred lips hath pass'd!
And shall I trust the' infernal liar,
Who whispers soft, “But God at last
Will kill the worm, and quench the fire!”
Get thee behind me, fiend, say I,
Thine eloquence on others try,
Who, if they listen to thy tale,
Shall prove the loudest laugh of hell.



[Great Judge, and Lawgiver supreme]

Great Judge, and Lawgiver supreme,
Shall man Thine attributes deny,
Thy sovereign righteousness blaspheme,
Or give Thine awful truth the lie?
With reason's line we cannot prove
Thy judgment's infinite abyss,
But trust to' inherit through Thy love
A whole eternity of bliss.


[Thrice solemn, thrice repeated word]

Thrice solemn, thrice repeated word,
For all who at Thy bar are cast!
Most merciful, most righteous Lord,
Thy justice, as Thy grace, shall last:
But all that now invoke Thy name,
That trust Thy bleeding sacrifice,
Shall flee with us the quenchless flame,
Shall 'scape the worm that never dies.


[I own, alas, my desperate case!]

If the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith, &c. —ix. 50.

I own, alas, my desperate case!
Then, then I lost the salt of grace,
When from the faith I fell.
But can I never be renew'd?
And must the righteous wrath of God
My sure damnation seal?
Wherewith shall I be season'd now?
The Advocate of sinners Thou
To Thy own word reply:
Or if Thou canst no more forgive,
My doom I at Thy feet receive,
And here resolve to die.