University of Virginia Library

She wasn' at home when the Pazon knocked,
No answer, at laste; and the door was locked
And Job away at the Clague's; and so
Of coorse the Pazon had to go.
But tried again next day; but never
No Mrs. Banks, that dodged him clever,
You'd be thinkin'—what? aw, well, well, well!
And next day, and next day; and it's hard to tell—
Weeks, it's lek—the Pazon was off
Every day to yandhar crof';
Weeks and weeks—and no use;
And poor Job tuk in at Brew's;
And wond'rin' greatly what had become
Of the mother; but still he had a home,
Of coorse; but terrible forsaken
Was Job, and sorrowful, and takin'
Up on the mountains and callin', callin'
“Mother! mother!” And chaps that was trawlin'
Down on the shore would feel a let,
And think they'd got her in the net—
But no! And Brew though, very kind;
And—“Never mind! never mind!
She'll be in Ramsey.” And axin' theer,
And Douglas, you know, and everywheer,
Till at last says Brew, “I'll wager she's gone


To Liverpool”; and “Lave her alone,
And she's all right.”

Hindrance (something that caught the net).