University of Virginia Library


xi. Hymn for Tuesday.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

Great Maker of Man's earthly Realm,
Who didst the Ground from Waters take,
Which did the troubled Land o'rewhelm,
And it unmoveable didst make,
That there young Plants might fitly spring,
While it with golden Flowers attir'd
Might forth ripe Fruit in Plenty bring,
And yield sweet Fruit by all desir'd;
With fragrant Greenness of thy Grace,
Our blasted Souls of Wounds release,
That tears foul Sins away may chase,
And in the Mind bad Motions cease:
May it obey thy heavenly Voice,
And never drawing near to Ill,
T' abound in Goodness may rejoyce,
And may no mortal sin fulfil.
Dear Father, etc.