University of Virginia Library




“Farewell!” exclaim'd Ellen, with furious spite—
“From your presence with joy I'll remove;
Your detestable name I will never unite
With the visions of friendship and love.”
“Pretty Ellen,” I cried, “where's the use of this fuss?
Do endeavour your anger to stifle;
Separation possesses no terrors for us,
And appears to my mind a mere trifle.


“You accuse me of falsehood, and call me unkind,—
But my errors may sure be forgiven;
I call you an angel,—and, therefore, you find
I am loth to detain you from heaven.
Since first I beheld you, I'm sure you must know
That to please you has been my endeavour;
And now that you say, 'tis your pleasure to go,
I'm more anxious to please you than ever.”