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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia :

the charter as amended and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole June 6th, 1932, in effect July 15th, 1932

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Railways and Street Railways.

Sec. 472. Speed of cars.

No locomotive engine, car or train of cars or other vehicle on
any railroad track, or any street railway car within the City limits,
shall be moved or propelled along or over any such railroad
or street railroad track at a greater rate of speed than fifteen
miles per hour in a business district or twenty-five miles per
hour in a residence district. The definitions of "business district"
and "residence district" appearing in the traffic ordinances
shall apply.

Sec. 473. Placing obstructions on tracks.

No person shall wilfully place a stone or other obstruction
upon tracks of any steam or street railway company with intent
to obstruct, impede, or otherwise interfere with the operation of
such railroad. Any person violating this section shall be fined
not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00.

Sec. 474. Locomotives—shall not sound whistles in city.

No locomotive engine whistle shall be sounded in the City limits,
except to warn persons or animals off the road bed. Any
person having charge of such engine shall be fined not less than
$5.00 nor more than $10.00 for each offense.

Sec. 475. Locomotives—ringing of bell.

No locomotive engine bell may be rung within the City limits
except when the engine is in motion, unless to warn a person or
persons off the track, and in motion only when approaching and
within two hundred feet or less of a street which the track crosses
at grade unless an emergency involving risk of life or serious injury
should require warning by bell the person or persons menaced.

Any violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor and the
person violating this section shall be fined not less than $2.00 nor
more than $5.00.


Page 191

Sec. 476. Steam railroads—flagmen.

Every steam railroad company, whose tracks are located within
the City, shall station at such points along the line of said
tracks as have been or may hereafter be designated by the Council,
a sufficient number of flagmen, who shall be provided with flags
in the day time, and lanterns at night, and whose duty it shall be
to prevent accidents by giving due notice of the approach and
passing of trains and locomotives. Any railroad company failing
to comply with this section shall pay a fine of not less than
$10.00 nor more than $50.00 for each day such default shall continue;
and should any flagman, through absence from his station,
or otherwise, fail to properly discharge his duties on the
approach or passing of any train or locomotive, the railroad company
owning or controlling such locomotive shall pay a fine of
$5.00 for each offense.

Sec. 477. Flagmen—to be appointed special policemen.

It shall be the duty of the Mayor of the City to appoint and
empower as special policemen, without salary from the City, all
persons employed as flagmen, whose names shall be furnished
to the Mayor by the Company so employing them. But such police
authority shall terminate whenever said persons cease to be
employed as flagmen, or at any time that the Mayor may deem
it proper to revoke said authority.

Sec. 478. Locomotives—riding or driving in front of,

It shall be unlawful to ride or drive in front of any moving
train or locomotive within less than fifty feet; or to ride or drive
within the guard gates at any railroad crossing while the said
gates are down or being lowered; nor shall any person except an
employee of the railway company get on or off a train in motion.
For a violation of any provision of this section the penalty shall
not be less than $2.00 nor more than $10.00.

Sec. 479. Loitering or trespassing upon tracks or platform.

It shall be unlawful for any person to play or loiter about or
upon the railroad tracks or upon the platforms of the passenger


Page 192
depots, or about the railroad shops in the City. Any person violating
this section may be ordered to desist by any special or regular
policeman, and upon his failure to do so, he may be arrested,
and, if convicted, shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more
than $5.00; provided, however, that nothing herein contained
shall be construed as to interfere with persons who are traveling,
or with friends meeting or accompanying such persons.

Sec. 480. Street railway—shall not be impeded.

No person shall obstruct or impede the running of the street
cars. The driver of any vehicle met or overtaken by any street
car shall turn off from the track as soon as notified so to do by
the bell or gong of the said street car, provided such vehicle is
not over thirty yards from such car. Any one violating this section
shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $5.00 for
each offense.

Sec. 481. Street railway—motormen to warn drivers,

The motorman on every electric car run in the City shall give
ample notice of the approach of the car upon which he is serving,
to the drivers of other vehicles and pedestrians upon the
track in front of him, by sounding the gong or bell upon said car.
For every violation of this section, a fine of not less than $1.00
nor more than $5.00 shall be imposed.

Sec. 482. Street railway—fire alarm.

When a fire alarm is sounded, all street cars on the track shall
be quickly moved to some point sufficient distant from street
corners to prevent danger of collision with the fire apparatus,
and shall there be held until said fire apparatus has passed, provided
that the delay shall not exceed five minutes.

Sec. 483. Street railway—brakes and fenders.

The cars used on street railways shall be provided with proper
brakes and fenders. For any violation of this section the owner
of such car shall be fined $25.00 for each offense.

Sec. 484. Street railway—cars to be numbered.

Each street car running upon the road shall be numbered and


Page 193
its number conspicuously painted upon each side or end thereof.
For a violation of this section, the owner shall be fined $5.00 for
each day it continues.

Sec. 485. Motormen and conductors to be special police.

All motormen and conductors of street cars, for the purpose
of enforcing order, peace and good behavior upon their respective
cars, are hereby constituted and appointed special policemen,
and for that purpose are endowed with all the powers and
are held to the same responsibilities as other policemen of the

Sec. 486. Spitting on street cars—smoking.

No person shall spit on the floor, seats, or any part of any
street car operated in this City, nor shall any person smoke on
any such car or the side platforms thereof. Any person violating
this section shall be fined $2.00 for each offense.

Sec. 487. Railroad company obstructing passage on
street or anyone standing a vehicle on railroad track
—how punished.

It shall be unlawful for any railroad company, or any receiver,
or trustee operating a railroad to obstruct for a longer period
than five minutes, the free passage on any street or road, by
standing cars or trains across the same, except a passenger train
while receiving or discharging passengers, but a passway shall
be kept open; nor shall it be lawful to stand any wagon or other
vehicle on the track of any railroad which will hinder or endanger
a moving train; provided, that when a train has been uncoupled,
so as to make a passway, the time necessarily required,
not exceeding three minutes, to pump up the air after the train
has been recoupled shall not be included in considering the time
said cars or trains were standing across said street or road. Any
such railroad company, receiver, or trustee, or driver of any such
wagon or vehicle, violating any of the provisions of this section
shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty dollars.