Monsieur Bernier, travelling from Lahore to Cashmere, wrote
thus: "My body is a sieve; scarcely have I swallowed a pint of water,
but I see it transude like dew out of all my limbs, even to my fingers'
ends. I drink ten pints a day, and it does me no manner of harm." --
Bernier, "Travels," tome ii, p. 261.
In the blood there are red globules, fibrous parts, white
globules, and water, in which the whole swims.
Plato, "Laws," Book ii; Aristotle, "Of the Care of Domestic Affairs";
Eusebius, "Evangelical Preparation," Book xii, chap. 17.
This is seen in the Hottentots, and the inhabitants of the most
southern part of Chili.
As Pittacus did, according to Aristotle, "Politics," lib. i, cap. iii. He
lived in a climate where drunkenness is not a national vice.