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Medulla Poetarum Romanorum

Or, the Most Beautiful and Instructive Passages of the Roman Poets. Being a Collection, (Disposed under proper Heads,) Of such Descriptions, Allusions, Comparisons, Characters, and Sentiments, as may best serve to shew the Religion, Learning, Politicks, Arts, Customs, Opinions, Manners, and Circumstances of the Antients. With Translations of the same in English Verse. By Mr. Henry Baker

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But impious Souls shall lie in Night profound,
Where muddy Waters flow with solemn Sound:
Snake-hair'd Tisiphone patroles about,
And lashes, here and there, the impious Rout.
There Hydra horrid at the Portal waits,
And barking Cerb'rus guards the brazen Gates:
There Ixion's whirl'd around th' incessant Wheel,
For tempting Juno, and intending Ill:
There Tityus lies over nine Acres spread,
While his black Entrails hungry Vultures feed:
There Tantalus remains, for ever dry,
His eager Lips surrounding Waters fly:
There Danaus' Daughter, impious to profane
Great Venus' Rites, are doom'd a fruitless Pain,
To fill with Lethe's Streams a Tun in vain.—

Dart. Tibul. Lib. I. El. 3.