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Robert Church Wilson, junior member of the real
estate firm of Beller & Wilson, was born in Bedford
County, Virginia, November 14th, 1868, and is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. John
illustration Wilson. He was educated
in the public
schools of his native
county and Bedford
City. When a mere
youth our subject spent
twelve months with an
engineering corps in the
mountains of Kentucky,
and after returning to
Virginia, accepted a position
with the Norfolk
& Western Railway
Company. He
worked his way up and
was running an engine
before he was twenty
years of age. Mr.
Wilson was connected
with the Norfolk & Western Railway for a period of
eight years and in 1906 resigned to go into the real
estate business in this city.

In 1906 he formed a partnership with C. S. Beller,
under the firm name of Beller & Wilson with well appointed
offices in the National Exchange Bank. This
firm does a general real estate business, and makes a
specialty of handling farms and coal and timber lands,
negotiating loans, etc. Beller & Wilson organized the
Raleigh Court Land Company and are the general
agents of same. They have the exclusive handling of
the McDonald Annex and the McDonald Addition, and
are regarded as one of the city's most reliable real estate

Mr. Wilson was married to Miss Nannie G. Berry,
in 1906, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Berry,
of Bedford City, and as a result of that union they have
two children, a boy and a girl.

Mr. Wilson is a loyal citizen of Roanoke, and is
ready at any and all times to aid any worthy enterprise
which is in the least calculated to upbuild this
city or section.

Mr. Wilson resides at No. 366 Tenth Avenue, Southwest.