University of Virginia Library

Scena 5a.

Drums. A Cry within [downe «*»t h ye Rascalls, «*»owne with ye Rebells] Enter Pho. Cap Drawne.
Phocillus. Captaine.
Retyr'd from such Aduantage! Hell! this 'tis
To trust to Rascalls.

Cramps oretake theyr hammes.
I thought th'had follow'd us upon the Entrance;
But as I Look't behind mee, not a fflock
Of Sheepe, before the Woolfe, made greater hast
Then they, from the King's Guard. What shall wee Doe?
I doubt wee were Discouerd as wee Crept
Into the Window

Tis the Gallery;
Wee Cannot find a nobler Place to Dy in
And if I can sett Eye upon this mock-King
Wee will not Loose our Deathes. Stick but you Close,
While like two Lyons, in the Libean Desart
Follow'd by Hunters, Wee will Sell our Skins soe
That Death himselfe shall tremble at the Price.
O Sr Here's Iustice for you!

Lycom enters & Phoc:
Treason Treason;


I shall Reach you Sure
