University of Virginia Library

'Tis done—the night has pass'd away;
And, basking in the sunny day,
The laughing fountain's waters bear
No record of each burning tear;—
The silent echoes give no sound
Of shriek or moan; and nothing round
Can tell what breaking hearts have been
So lately in that quiet scene.
But ere the evening falls again,
Many a step o'er mount and glen
Shall hurry far and wide, to seek
Her of the pallid brow and cheek.
Proud is the eye of the bridegroom lord!
He hath girt him round with a trusty sword,


And the horse that hath borne him to battle for years,
Gladly his angry summons hears,
His red nostrils snuffing the morning air,
Nothing he heeds their heavy care,
But waits till his high curving neck shall be freed,
To bound o'er the hills with an arrow's speed.
He is gone—full swiftly he dashes by—
And many a bright and beautiful eye
Follows the rider's form;—and dreams
Of pleasant walks by the dancing streams,
Of moonlight whisperings in the grove,
Of looks of ardour, and vows of love,
Fill those young hearts: and they wonder why
Visions so happy should make them sigh:
And more they wonder, that any one
Of the numberless forms their eyes have known,
Should have stolen a heart which Carlos woo'd
By the fount, and the lone wood's solitude.
Oh! love—real love! intoxicating dream
Of beauty and of happiness! how vain
Are our aspirings after thee, which seem
To bring thee near us!—doubt and causeless pain,
And jealousies, and most unconstant sighs
For something fairer than this world supplies;


And fondness which doth end in faint disgust;
And airy hopes that crumble down to dust;—
These are not love,—though these too oft impart
A false excitement to the swelling heart.
To look upon the fairy one, who stands
Before you, with her young hair's shining bands,
And rosy lips half parted;—and to muse,
Not on the features which you now peruse,
Not on the blushing bride,—but look beyond
Unto the aged wife, nor feel less fond:
To feel, that while thy arm can strike them dead,
No breathing soul shall harm that gentle head:
To know, that none with fierce and sudden strife
Shall tear thee from her, save with loss of life:
To keep thee but to one, and let that one
Be to thy home what warmth is to the sun;
To gaze, and find no change, when time hath made
Youth's dazzling beauty darken into shade,
But fondly—firmly—cling to her, nor fear
The fading touch of each declining year:
This is true love, when it hath found a rest
In the deep home of manhood's faithful breast.