University of Virginia Library



Herewith, a broken gem of Buddha's lore
One beamlet of the brightness of his love!
Rose-light which lingers when the sun is down
Such space that men may find a path thereby.
Ananda told his Brethren of the robe
In the full Sangha, saying, “I have heard!”
Ananda said: “Upon a certain morn
At Rajagriha, in Wasanta-time,
Lord Buddha sate—the great Tathâgato—
Speaking with wayfarers words such as these.
There was a temple built to Surya
Between the dyers' sheds and grain-market,
With white porch sheltered by a peepal-tree;
Whereby he sate; and a priest questioned him—
“Which is Life's chief good, Master?” And he spake:


“Shadows are good when the high sun is flaming,
From wheresoe'er they fall;
Some take their rest beneath the holy temple,
Some by the prison-wall.
“The King's gilt palace-roof shuts out the sunshine,
So doth the dyers' shed!
Which is the chiefest shade of all these shadows?”
“They are alike!” one said.
“So is it,” quoth he: “with all shows of living;
As shadows fall, they fall!
Rest under, if ye must, but question not
Which is the best of all.
“Yet, some trees in the forest wave with fragrance
Of fruit and bloom o'erhead;
And some are evil, bearing fruitless branches,
Whence poisonous air is spread.”
“Therefore, though all be false, seek, if ye must,
Right shelter from life's heat.
Lo! those do well who toil for wife and child
Threading the burning street!


“Good is it helping kindred! good to dwell
Blameless and just to all;
Good to give alms, with goodwill in the heart,
Albeit the store be small!
“Good to speak sweet and gentle words, to be
Merciful, patient, mild;
To hear the Law, and keep it, leading days
Innocent, undefiled.
“These be chief goods—for evil by its like
Ends not, nor hate by hate:
By love hate ceaseth; by well-doing ill;
By knowledge life's sad state.
“But see where soars an eagle! mark those wings
Which cleave the blue, cool skies!
What shadow needeth yon proud Lord of Air
To shield his fearless eyes?
“Rise from this life; lift upon pinions bold
Hearts free and great as his;
The eagle seeks no shadow, nor the wise
Greater or lesser bliss!”