University of Virginia Library


[If on this earth she passed in mortal guise]


The concluding poem of this collection was the last ever composed by the author, who expired at the place where it was written, after six years of protracted malady, on the 24th of March, 1810, in the thirty-seventh year of her age. Her fears of death were perfectly removed before she quitted this scene of trial and suffering; and her spirit departed to a better state of existence, confiding with heavenly joy in the acceptance and love of her Redeemer.

If on this earth she passed in mortal guise,
A short and painful pilgrimage, shall we
Her sad survivors grieve, that Love divine
Removed her timely to perpetual bliss?—
Thou art not lost!—in chastest song and pure
With us still lives thy virtuous mind, and seems
A beacon for the weary soul, to guide
Her safely through Affection's winding path,
To that eternal mansion gained by thee!
W. T.