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Air—“The summer is come”.


Where shines the sun on Cummergh's dells,
Far, far away, my Anna dwells,
And there her eyes first beamed on me,
And chained my heart eternally.
I sit alone, that memory rise
Of sunny hopes and golden ties,
Of smiles that beam like morning skies,
Within her large, blue, loving eyes!


Saint Anne's lone well is bordered round,
With golden moss and fairy mound;


There harebells glow like sapphire gem:
My Anna's eyes are blue like them.
I sit alone, that memory rise
Of sunny hopes and golden ties,
Of smiles that beam like morning skies,
Within my Anna's loving eyes!


Where'er she walks by hill or stream,
On all those eyes of glory beam,
With sweet and gentle rays that are
Like splendours of the morning star.
I sit alone that memory rise
Of sunny hopes and golden ties,
Of smiles that beam like morning skies,
Within my Anna's loving eyes!


And there is more than common light,
Far dearer still, to make them bright,—
Fond rays, that pure and freshly dart
From sinless soul and sunny heart.
Then lone I sit, that memory rise
Of sunny hopes and golden ties,
Of smiles that beam like morning skies,
Within her large, blue, loving eyes!