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Ballads of the War

By H. D. Rawnsley

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To Colonel Baden-Powell


Stout heart! defender!
How shall we tender
Thanks, and how render
Homage sincere!
You, in sore plight for us,
You, who made fight for us,
You, who kept bright for us
All we hold dear!
You, who unquailing
Faced all assailing,
With wits unfailing,
Met lure with lure.
Courage unquenchable,
Purpose unwrenchable,
With mound and trench able
Still to endure.


From shelter creeping,
Tireless watch keeping,
You, the unsleeping,
Woke while we slept.
Cheered the uncheery ones,
Healed the wound-weary ones,
Helped the heart-dreary ones,
Safe the town kept.
Fate unremorseful
Frowned, but resourceful,
Splendidly forceful,
You stood at bay.
Full—you made fight of it,
Starved—you made light of it,
Unsuccoured, spite of it,
Laughed Death away.
You so far sundered,
Tho' their guns thundered,
While a world wondered,
Stuck to your plan.
Now from your prison free,
Lead forth to liberty,
And let the nation see
Her bravest man.