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Occasional Poems

Translations, Fables, Tales, &c. By William Somervile

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Liberty and Love; or, the Two Sparrows.

------ Dos est Uxoria, Lites.

A sparrow and his Mate,
(Believe me, gentle Kate)
Once lov'd like I and you;
With mutual Ardour join'd,
No Turtles e'er so kind,
So constant, and so true.
They hopp'd from Spray to Spray,
They bill'd, they chirp'd all Day,
They cuddl'd close all Night;


To Bliss they wake'd each Morn,
In ev'ry Bush, and Thorn,
Gay Scenes of new Delight.
At length the Fowler came,
(The Knave was much to blame)
And this dear Pair trapan'd;
Both in one Cage confin'd,
Why, Faith and Troth, 'twas kind;
Nay, hold—that must be scann'd.
Fair Liberty thus gone,
And one coop'd up with one,
'Twas aukward, new, and strange;
For better and for worse,
O dismal, fatal Curse!
No more abroad to range.
No Carols now they sing,
Each droops his little Wing,
And mourns his cruel Fate:


Clouds on each Brow appear,
My Honey, and my Dear,
Is now quite out of date.
They pine, lament, and moan,
'Twould melt an Heart of Stone,
To hear their sad Complaint:
Nor he supply'd her Wants,
Nor she refrain'd from Taunts,
That might provoke a Saint.
Hard Words improve to Blows,
For now grown mortal Foes,
They peck, they scratch, they scream;
The Cage lies on the Floor,
The Wires are stain'd with Gore,
It swells into a Stream.
Dear Kitty, wou'd you know
The Cause of all this Woe,
It is not hard to guess;


Whatever does constrain,
Turns Pleasure into Pain,
'Tis Choice alone can bless.
When both no more are free,
Insipid I must be,
And you lose all your Charms;
My smother'd Passion dies,
And even your bright Eyes,
Necessity disarms.
Then let us love, my Fair,
But unconstrain'd as Air,
Each join a willing Heart;
Let free-born Souls disdain
To wear a Tyrant's Chain,
And act a nobler Part.