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On the Earl of Danby's couragious Enterprise at La-Hogue, who set the French Ships on fire.
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On the Earl of Danby's couragious Enterprise at La-Hogue, who set the French Ships on fire.

Return with all the Triumph that is due,
Great Sir, to the most welcome Peace and You;
Not young Augustus with more manly Rage,
The numerous Fleet at Actium did engage;
Than you the French, who proudly, tho' in vain,
Claim'd the Dominion o'er the British Main:
But when the most illustrious Danby came,
(His Canon less commanding than his Name)
Darting his awful Pow'rs, they soon gave way,
And shrunk like Spirits at the sight of Day:
So when great Jove of old resolv'd to quell
Earth's stubborn Sons, that vainly did rebel;
Himself engag'd in a more Tragick Play,
Calls for Alcides to decide the Fray:


They might have been destroy'd e'er this, 'tis true,
But the kind Fates reserv'd that Work for you,
England's Mecenas, and Agrippa too.
We read the Fam'd Achilles ne're would go
But arm'd with Vulcan's Shield to meet his Foe;
Whilst your more noble Soul scorn'd all Defence,
But that of Virtue and of Innocence;
Scarce had our Cannons-mouths begun to roar,
But the Pale French steer to the Gallick shore;
And the brave English Courage led by you,
Eager as Falcons to the Quarry flew;
Where in Confusion the throng'd People stood,
Your Men still pressing on, and you the leading God
And in compassion to those Men that fell,
Gave them bright Tapers in their way to Hell;
Here mighty Heaps of vulgar Souls did stand,
Waiting to perish by so brave a hand;
But you retir'd when the great Work was done,
Whose brighter Flames eclips'd the gazing Sun;


Let the fam'd Cæsar and his Romans be
But Dwarfs in Courage, when compar'd to Thee;
No less a Hero could their Fury tame,
Lewis himself trembles to hear your Name:
Now we despise the worst Assaults of Fate,
You guard the Sea, Carmarthen guards the State;
William rides conquerour o'er the vanquish'd Ball,
And Mary's pow'rful Charms subdue us all.