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The works of Alexander Pennecuik

of New-Hall, M.D.; containing the description of Tweeddale, and miscellaneous poems. A new edition, with copious notes, forming a complete history of the county to the present time. To which are prefixed, memoirs of Dr Pennecuik, and a map of the shire of Peebles, or Tweeddale

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I was soft laid upon my bed,
And deep in sleep entranc'd,
When at my port there was one knockt,
So hard it did me wake.
Open, said he, and let me in,
With cold I'm chill'd to death,
For it doth thunder, hail, and rain,
Light flasheth from the sky,
And I am naked, oh! let me in,
Or quickly I must die.
These words with pity mov'd my soul,
And rais'd me from my rest,
In charity I thought me bound,
To help one so opprest.
When I did open, straight I saw
A boy come shivering in,


Stark naked; in his hand a bow,
A quiver on his thigh;
I ask'd his name, but straight he said,
I must myself first dry;
When I am warm, and can well speak,
I'll tell you by and by.
When I did light a faggot up,
He look'd if all was right,
If that his shafts were fit, and clear,
If that his bow was tight.
His hands, benumb'd with cold, I strok'd
And thaw'd before the fire.
Though he seem'd beardless, raw and young,
Yet fear did me possess,
When I thought on his bow, and shaft,
And quiver by his side.
What idle thought, said I, is this,
To fear one that's so young,
Him I can bind whene'er I please,
And whip him when I've done.
What should I say if Polipheme
Were lodged beneath my roof.
The boy then with a lively air
Doth take his bow in hand,
And down lets fall his yellow hair,
And shaft fits to the string,
He straight lets fly the arrow keen,
Which pierced me to the heart,
Thou'st got it now, said he, and mind
Its Cupid makes thee smart,
For that's my name, remember't well,
On Sylvia think the fair,
Take this for all thy toil and pains,
And say you have your hire.
Ingrate, says I, does thou thus treat
One that's so kind to thee,


What baser treatment couldst thou give
To thy worst enemy.
Then Cupid hopt about and skipt,
Said, Comrade, thou dost know
Full well what I am now, and what
My arrow is and bow.