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A Poetical Translation of the works of Horace

With the Original Text, and Critical Notes collected from his best Latin and French Commentators. By the Revd Mr. Philip Francis...The third edition

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Ode V.

[See, thy Heifer's yet unbroke]

See, thy Heifer's yet unbroke
To the Labours of the Yoke,
Nor hath Strength enough to prove
Such impetuous Weight of Love.
Round the Fields her Fancy strays,
O'er the Mead she sportive plays,
Or beneath the sultry Beam
Cools her in the passing Stream,
Or with frisking Steerlings young
Sports the sallow Groves among.


Do not then commit a Rape
On the crude, unmellow'd Grape:
Autumn soon, of various Dyes,
Shall with kinder Warmth arise,
Bid the livid Clusters glow,
And a riper Purple show.
Time to Her shall count each Day,
Which from You it takes away;
Lalage, with forward Charms,
Soon shall rush into your Arms;
Pholoë, the flying Fair,
Shall not then with Her compare;
Nor the Maid of Bosom bright,
Like the Moon's unspotted Light,
O'er the Waves, with silver Rays,
When the floating Lustre plays:
Nor the Cnidian fair and young,
Who, the Virgin Choir among,
Might deceive, in Female Guise,
Strangers, though extremely wise,
With the Difference between
Sexes hardly to be seen,
With his Hair of flowing Grace,
And his boyish, girlish Face.