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Divine poems

Containing The History of Ionah. Ester. Iob. Sampson. Sions Sonets. Elegies. Written and newly augmented, by Fra: Quarles

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Then suddenly, with holy zeale inflam'd,
He caus'd a generall Act to be proclaim'd,
By sage advice, and counsell of his Peeres;
“Let neither man, or child, of youth, or yeares,
“From greatest in the Citie, to the least,
“Nor Herd, nor pining Flocke, nor hungry beast,
“Nor any thing that draweth ayre, or breath,
“On forfeiture of life, or present death,
“Presume to taste of nourishment, or food,
“Or move their hungry lips to chew the cud;
“From out their eyes let Springs of water burst,
“With teares (or nothing) let thē slake their thirst:
“Moreo're, let every man (what e're he be)
“Of higher quality, or low degree,
“D'off all they weare (excepting but the same
“That nature craves, & that which covers shame)
“Their nakednesse with sackcloth let them hide,
“And mue the vest'ments of their silken pride;
“And let the brave cariering Horse of Warre,
“(Whose rich Caparisons, and Trappings are
“The glorious Wardrobe of a Victors show)
“Let him disrobe, and put on sackcloth too;


“The Oxe (ordain'd for yoke) the Asse (for load)
“The Horse (as well for race, as for the roade)
“The burthren-bearing Camell (strong and great)
“The fruitfull Kine, and every kinde of Neate,
“Let all put sackcloth on, and spare no voyce,
“But cry aloud to heaven, with mighty noise;
“Let all men turne the bias of their wayes,
“And change their fiercer hands to force of praise:
“For who can tell, if God (whose angry face
“Hath long bin waining from us) will embrace
“This slender pittance of our best indeavour?
“Who knowes, if God will his intent persever?
“Or who can tell, if he (whose tender love
“Transcends his sharper Iustice) will remove
“And change his high decree, & turn his sentence
“Vpon a timely, and unfain'd repentance?
“And who can tell, if heaven will change the lot,
“That we, and ours may live, and perish not?
So God perceiv'd their workes, & saw their waies,
Approv'd the faith, that in their workes did blaze,
Approv'd their works, approv'd their workes the rather
because their faith & works wēt both together:
He saw their faith, because their faith abounded;
He saw their works, because on faith they grounded
He saw their faith, their workes, and so relented,
H'approv'd their works, their faith & so repented;
Repented of the plagues they apprehended;
Repented of the evill, that he intended:
So God the vengeance of his hand withdrew,
He tooke no forfeiture although 'twere due;
The evill, that once hee meant, he now forgot,
Cancell'd the forfeit bond, and did it not.