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Kymbel rex.

Hou mony ssire were in ech lond & tounes in eche ssire
& hou monimen in eche toune he was a gret sire
& þat echman paide a peni & me him þe panes bere
War þoru he wuste hou moni men in al þe worlde were
& me made þis descriuinge in þis lond as wel
As in eni oþer londe bi þe kinges daie kimbel
& naþeles ine leue it noȝt þat he ne dude it as wel þanne
Vor loue of þe panes as to wite þe noumbre of eche manne
Aboute ierusalem þis noumbringe he bigan
As in þe middel of þe world to noumbri eche man
Þulke time vr louerd was in bedleem ibore
Of marie to saui men þat were arst vorlore
Bi kimbeles dai þat was king of brutaine here
& in þe emperours august two & fourtiþe ȝere


Þat was icluped octouian in anoþer name
Þis emperour august was of so gret fame
Þat vor Iuli þe emperour þat biuore him was er
Hadde after him icluped an monþe in þe ȝer
Þe nexte monþe þerafter þat heruest monþe is
He let after him clupie august iwis
Þo august adde ibe emperour fourti ȝer & fiue
& wel iholde is poer he wende out of þis liue
Tibery is stepsone after him com
Þat nobliche huld is poer & is kinedom
Þe gywes & herodes þat hore king was
He adauntede hard inou & non harm it nas
Pilatus he sende þuder hor Iustise to be þere
Vorto holde hom harde inou as hii wel wrþi were
& ȝut for al þan bi is daie þoru hor luþer mode
Hii broȝte oure louerd ihesu crist to deþe on þe rode