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Ȝow Heliconian witts, with arte who viewe
The pain-borne brood of heaven-enspired spreits;
ȝowr presence, humbly, (loe), my muse invites,
To taist of her fore-rypened fruits a few.
Though meane and small desert for such be dew,
Her strenthles pinneouns and vnhardned plume,
As ȝit in blood, no hyer dar presume,
Till ryper ȝeirs her infancy subdue.
Accept what she doth painfully impairt
With toyle and travell to begyle the time;
And let, in her minority and prime,
Her tender age excuse her slender airt;
Not darring things of importance to write,
With humble ȝeale, (loe), she presents her mite.
S. W. M.