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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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The Conceptioun of Christ.

Let vs reioce and sing,
And praise that michtie King,
Quhilk send his Sone of a Uirgine bricht,
La. Lay. La.
And on him tuke our vyle nature,
Our deidlie woundis to cure,
Mankynde to hald in richt.
La. Lay. La.
Sanct Luk wrytis in his Gospell,
God send his Angell Gabriell,
Unto that Uirgine but defame.
La. Lay. La.
For to fulfill the Prophesie,
Was spousit with Iosaph fre,
Mary scho had to name,
La. Lay. La.
Thir wordis to hir he did reheirs,
Haill Mary full of grace,
The Lord God is with the.
La. Lay. La.
Thow blyssit Uirgine mylde,
Thow sall consaue ane Chylde
The pepill redeme sall he:
La. Lay. La.
Quhais power and greit micht,
Sall be in Goddis sicht,
Quhilk from the Father of michtis send,


La. Lay. La.
Iesus his Name ȝe call,
Quhilk salbe Prince ouir all
His Kingdome sall haue nane end.
La. Lay. La.
Than spak that Uirgin fre
Behald how sall this be.
Seing I knaw na man:
La. Lay. La.
Than said the angell chaist,
Be the power of the haly Gaist
Quhilk all thing wirk he can.
La. Lay. La.
Elizabeth thy cousing also,
Sex monethis with Chylde can go
At quhais birth greit Ioy sall be:
La. Lay. La.
Call him Iohne, sayis the angell bricht,
Quhilk is send be Goddis micht
The Lordis way prepair sall he.
La. Lay. La.