University of Virginia Library


[Ane New sort of rymand rym]

Ane New sort of rymand rym,
Rymand alyk in rym and rym,
Rymd efter sort of guid Rob steine;
Tein is to purches Robs teine.
This Rym I form to ȝour excellent grace,
Grace gyd ȝow ay for god ȝow hes lent grace.
Grace lent from god guwerns fra all misdeid:
Misdeid finds grace be doing almisdeid:
Deid dochtie done is Iustice to menteine,
Menteind vith mycht thocht it do to men teine.
Tein sould ve not thocht vickit men vold greif vs:
Greif ws men may: Bot ȝow to greif is greifus.
Greifus it is gif rycht be not defend;
Defend rycht ay, Not turnyng ȝour def end.
End is the but to try all men plainlie.
Liers not cairs for to mak ane plain lie,
Lieing als suyft thay lat ane li till flie,
flieing as dois ane filthie litill flie;
flie Sir from Sic And lerne to vnderstand.
Stand quhair ȝe vill, firm be ȝour vnder stand;
Stand stabill stout And kynd not contrauell.
trauell In guid As dois the Con trauell.
Trauell I tak to mak my rym Rymles;
Rymles heirfoir I sall mak my Rym les;
Less sall I rym Than in my versis former;
former verse dois also vith this form er.
Errer I grant to Poets is noysum.
Sum tym god spaird at the fluid of noy sum.


Sum vill this rym so rusti call vaine,
Vainlie proceding from my rusticall vaine;
Vaine men vith vords vill heli contend,
Contending I do to helicon tend.
Tending navayis ȝour grace to miscontent,
Content I am gif ȝe vith my mis content.
Tentie, Sir, be, And grant not all thair asking.
Asking quho gains may liwe als veill as king.
kings rairlie sould prouockit be till anger.
Anger this ȝow than vill I vreit na langer.
Langer rym may my rymyng mak vnradie.
Vnradie cocks maks men on flesche ra die.
Die not in duill, guid confort vndertak.
Tak quho vold ȝow to ewill, tham thunder tak.
Tak in guid part this rym quhilk I essey;
Assey dois sum Quho skairs can ane as sey.
Seying my chance sum tym I visie sorow;
Sorow I mak to sie fortoune so row;
Row as scho vill thair monie taks no sousie.
Sousie to laik is quho vold ane sow sie:
Sousie I haid quhan I cam by allaway;
vay vas rycht vilsum for kynmond tuik all away:
Away, Sir, vith greif, And haif compasscience.
Science I laik Bot ȝit vold compas Science.
Science and Sin begins vith ane letir.
Hirs vold sin haif ȝow Bot ȝit god sall let hir:
hir perwers persuasions ȝour grace dois refell.
fels he not fynlie quho may ane re fell.
fell is my fortoun And ewill ar my versis.
Versis I vant And vats not quhat vers is.
Is it not vousting vaine to say ve Men
Mend may all thing by help of guid vemen?
Vemen I vat vold byd vnder ȝour standard
Hardelie, Sir, gif ȝe haif ane guid stand hard.
Hard is my speitche Bot ȝit it is no fabill.
fabill veill formd is sum tym effabill.


Effabill freinds dails frilie in freindschip;
freindschip he finds quho sails in his freind schip.
Schip of ane freind veill eisis euere member.
Members veill eist ve sould thairof remember.
Remember me And do me Not foirȝeit;
foirȝeit I am debard at ȝour foir ȝeit:
Ȝeit ȝe may giwe me And sum land also;
So thocht I laik ȝe do not to all so;
So in this neid perhaps I may be seik,
Seik Sir and haill ȝour help I ay beseik,
Beseikand humlie the hewenlie god halie
Halie to sie ȝour grace ewenlie go dalie.
Dalie to sie ȝour grace is my disyre.
Disyre to do veill till eschew godis yre.
yre cheiflie owerpas at tym of dennar.
Dennar is bettir than heir dog in den nar.
Nar vord vith vord I force me to draw.
Draw tham I rather than eit ane tod raw.
Drawing tham albeit I seim navayis morall.
Moir all dois disyre, And for moir ve clamor all.
All sould presum treuthfull Iust to be,
Being als charitabill as vas the Iust tobe.
Beis bussie dois mak be thair vit honie,
Honie is holsum to be eitin vith onie.
Onie man sall not sie me kill monie.
Monie in thair Purse may not sie mekill monie.
Monie myrrie man moniles I heir men say.
Say veill I vold for I wis heir mens ay.
Ay Sir be glaid And nane ȝow may molest.
Lest may ȝe this may And monie may mo lest.
Molestit be all Quho luifs craftie lourking.
Lourking god disclois And gyd ȝow veill Our king.