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The Ermine.

The Ermine rather chose to die
A Martyr of its purity,
Then that one uncouth soile should staine
It's hitherto preserved skin,
And thus resolv'd she thinkes it good
To write her whitenesse in her blood.
But I had rather die, then e're
Continue from my foulenesse cleere;


Nay I suppose by that I live
That onely doth destruction give;
Mad-man I am, I turne mine Eye
On every side, but what doth lie
Within I can no better finde,
Then if I ever had been blind.
Is this the reason thou dost claime
Thy sole prerogative, to frame
Engines againe thy selfe? O fly
Thy selfe as greatest enemy,
And thinke thou sometimes life wilt get
By a secure contemning it.