University of Virginia Library

Howe the worlde may be lykened vnto the see.

The worlde may by many encheason
Be lykened to foure thynges by good reason
Fyrste may the worlde be lykened ywys
Most proprely to the see, that long & brode is
For the see after her owne certayne tyde
Ebbeth and floweth, and may nat abyde
And throughe stormes waxeth kene and blowes
And than ryseth tempestes and stronge wawes
So fareth the worlde, with his fauour
Bryngeth a man in to ryches and to honour
But afterwarde, than he casteth hym a downe
Into moche pouerte, and trybulacyown
And those be the great stormes and kene
That bryngeth a man, in sorowe and tene.