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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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Of Maistres. D S.

Of Maistres. D S.

Thy fyled wordes,
yt from thy mouth did flow
Thy modest looke,
wyth gesture of Drane.
Thy curteous mynde,
and althynges framed so.

As answered well,
vnto thy vertuous fame,
The gentlenes
that at thy handes I founde
In staungers house,
all vnaquaynted I,
Good S. hath
my Hart to the so bounde,
That from the can
it not be forced to flye,
In pledge wherof,
my seruyce here I gyue
Yf thou so wylte,
to serue the whylst I lyue.