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The Golden Fleece

Divided into three Parts, Under Which are discouered the Errours of Religion, the Vices and Decayes of the Kingdome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to restore Trading so much complayned of. Transported from Cambrioll Colchos, out of the Southermost Part of the Iland, commonly called the Newfoundland, By Orpheus Iunior [i.e.William Vaughan], For the generall and perpetuall Good of Great Britaine

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[As Mothers are, so will the Daughters be]

As Mothers are, so will the Daughters be:
Chast was Susannaes Mother, chaste was she.
Baals Miracles she from her Cradle knew,
As how vaines Tombes with Idols to eschew,
She honour'd Abram, Moses, and the Saints;
But vnto God she framed her Complaints.
Bad Company she shunn'd, as Rockie shelues,
And fear'd suspected Suiters worse then Elues.
If Flesh and Bloud in her began to tickle,
She mortified her thoughts, that were so fickle.
She fasted oft, but oftner vs'd to pray;
To which she ioyn'd some labour eu'ry day.
No Day without a Line. She daily wrought,
Somtimes on Needle, when she fitting thought.
Or spunne by Distaffe, or the Wheele she rowld,
Somtimes on Loome, her skil she would vnfold.
At times she stirr'd more busie then the Bee,
And was well pleas'd the Maids to ouer-see.
Tir'd with houshold busines on Harp she playes
Or Violl, which she tunes to Dauids Layes.


One while she sings for her recreation.
Of Noahs Arke, and the first Creation.
Another whiles of Ægypts Miracles,
Her Nation blest with Sinaes Oracles;
Their wandring forty yeeres with Manna fed,
And in the Desert by an Angell led.
Now of their Wars she tels with warbling voice,
Anon of Iewries fall with dolefull noyse.
One while she reades, another while she writes;
She writes those rules, which she herself endites.
Some other time, to draw the Countries Aire,
She went abroad, but neuer to a Faire.
Least, Tortoiselike cub'd vp; shee might take harme,
She goes abroad to see her Fathers Farme.
The Fields shee likes, but more the Garden walkes,
To note Gods workes in seedes, herbes, flowres, and stalkes,
Yea, & though seldome, she the Towne suruayes
With her deere Mother witnesse of her wayes.