University of Virginia Library


Sonetto. 19.

[No sooner I had thy beautie espied]

No sooner I had thy beautie espied,
Cleane washed from the dreggs of vices stayne,
But heart to thee with constant loue was tyed;
And thou perhapps wilt yeilde me but disdayne.
Yf thou wilst not my loue with loue requite,
I shall weare out in paine my dismall dayes,
But if thy heart once harbour my delight;
Then shall I liue thy heart to loue and praise.
Yeilde thy consent to cure my fatall wounde,
And let desert preuaile to gayne thy grace,
So secret truth shall eu'r in me abounde;
Yf we may meete in some conuenient place;
And then be sure his name I will deface,
That should be seene to speake in thy disgrace.