University of Virginia Library

Not all the North its sanction gives
To its own Representatives,
And on the vile Nebraska Bill
They've not fulfilled the people's will.
But why should Northerners deplore?
Their representatives before,
In fifty did a kindred deed,
And priests and people bid God-speed.
The wily politician spake
And said 'twas for the Union's sake;
That this would Slavery satisfy
And would the Union fortify!
And hence distinguished leaders went
The measure to the full extent.
And clergymen declared that we
Should all respect the powers which be;
That governments were foreordained
And must not therefore be profaned;
And, he that raised his rebel hand
Against the rulers of the land,
Was infidel, was but insane,
And hence might lawfully be slain.
Some said it was the nation's act,
And consequently must be backed;
That 'twas the law throughout the land,
And by it all must firmly stand.
It is the law, professors said,
And on it they would never tread!
And that 'twas just as any other;
And, if it bid, would sieze their mother
And give her to the tyrant's hands,
To satisfy the law's demands.
Shame on the men who thus declared;
Let infamy be their reward!