University of Virginia Library



'T is wise to crush the impatient thought,
And mould the heart to gentleness;
Looking with calm, unclouded eyes,
We meet a blessing while we bless.
'T is wise to crush the angry word,
And bid our kindly answers fall
Like leaves around a summer bower,
When sudden breezes harshly call.
How patiently the Deity
In all his earthly work appears;
Atom with atom softly blends,
And quietly each fabric rears!
And Christ was patient—mild in death,
To this great virtue nobly true;
E'en for his foes, the prayer was heard,
“Forgive! they know not what they do.”


Then let us sit at Jesus' feet
With passion's standard closely furl'd,
And listen, as he talks of love
And patience to a restless world.
And wait, through life's dim darkling night,
Though faint should beam hope's flickering ray,
Till Faith shines slowly from afar,
And brightens to eternal day.
Charleston, S. C. 1830.