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Oh, I have loved you four ways,
And I shall love you five.
For when the body turns to dust,
The Soul is more alive.
You came into my youth prime
And gathered all its flowers:
As Kings go to their gardens
And revel in the bowers.
I loved you—loved you—loved you—
As Nature loves the Sun.
And your life was my life
And all our ways were one.
There came a chastening grief time
Where love seemed purified:
A little child had come to us—
A little child had died.


Love smiled on us through tear drops,
The earth path we had trod
Showed somewhere in the distance
A curve that led to God.
Then came the sombre Fall time
With cares to fill each day.
But your ways were my ways,
And duty seemed but play.
What kisses told in June days
Hand clasping hand now told.
And there was youth in both our hearts,
Although our lives grew old.
And now you are immortal—
You know the second birth.
And your ways are God's ways,
And mine are ways of earth.
And in the love I bear you—
I feel the chastening rod:
Oh great Soul—oh mate Soul—
You are so near to God.


Though I have loved you four ways,
I yet shall love you five:
My Soul will cast its body off
And stand by you alive!
And we shall dwell together
In glory like the sun.
Where your ways and my ways,
And God's ways are one.