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Vainly we listen for his tread,
Returning from a distant shore.
Here, where his fruitful days were sped,
The friend beloved is seen no more.
Truly, it was a gracious gift
That Greece vouchsafed us, when he came
With buoyant step and heart alight
To win an enviable fame.
The oracles of Hellas old,
The dream of glories yet to be
Had taught his spirit, frank and bold,
The price and worth of liberty.
He entered where a champion crowned
His noble conquests still pursued,
For him the clarion blast did sound
That stirred the elder Hero's blood.
Where souls in shadows dim abode,
Ungladdened by the light of day,
His tutelary guidance showed
The light of Truth's all conquering ray;


For they should know the world so fair,
Its record brave, its wondrous plan,
And, though despoiled of Nature, share
The great inheritance of man.
Oh! friends who gather in the class
The welcome word to hear and tell,
Take with you, as you onward pass,
The thought of him who loved you well.
That love which doth all ills redeem,
Which seals man's noblest promise true,
The prophet's pledge, the poet's dream,
Be that his legacy to you.