University of Virginia Library



Don Juan.
First of thy sex—thou mistress of my heart—
Not all Hesperia can boast a fair
So amiably soft, discreet and wise;
With such a firm, heroic, noble soul,
Why should a tear bedew thy lovely cheek?

I see distress on every side I turn;
Some sad dejection marks the soldiers brow;
Though veterans in arms, they fear the king,
And tremble at the frown of majesty:—
The nobles all, though emulous of fame,
Are jealous, proud—are turbulent and rash—
The people fierce, yet ever prone to change.
Today the cap of liberty's toss'd up—
Tomorrow torn and given to the winds,
And all their leaders, by the fickle throng
Are sacrific'd by violence, or fraud.

Don Juan.
So far above the weakness of thy sex,
Let me beseech thee never to despair;—
Support thy courage, arm thy noble mind—
Sure never more did thy Padilla need
Thy wisdom, counsel, fortitude and zeal,
To animate amidst ten thousand cares.
But my firm purpose never can be shook;
While life glows warm within my beating breast,
I will defend, against the proudest foe,
The liberties of Spain, my country's rights.


So dangerous a foe has Spain ne'er seen
Since from the brindled North, the savage hords
Pour'd from their frozen hives, where gendering storms
Have rush'd, and swell'd fair Ebro's banks with blood.

Don Juan.
We have been free e'er since the mighty Goths,
In barb'rous swarms, compell'd the peaceful swain
To bare his breast, and meet the stranger's sword;
The raw and hardy peasants of the field,
Train'd up to arms, inur'd to feats of war,
Op'd their full veins, and wash'd in native gore
The field, the village, and their father's tombs,
Ere they establish'd liberty and peace.
Their ancient victories shall be recall'd
By the warm fluid from Don Juan's heart,
Ere he'll submit to drag about this shell
Through nature's system, as an useless drone,
Or live the slave of any lawless power.

O Heaven forbid!—nor dash my country's hopes;
Or premature, cut down before the noon
A life of glory and heroic worth,
And blast success, while virtue lifts the sword.

Don Juan.
Sure life protracted is a vulgar wish,
Unless some noble end blows up the flame.

Spite of myself, I have betray'd a tear;
But feel my courage brighten by thy side;
Nor shall the weakness of my sex again,
Create a fear that may disturb thy peace.


Don Juan.
Haste back, my love, lest some mishap befal;
The good Zemora guards Toledo's gates
With vigilance and faith;—there thou art safe.
Protect my son, and guard his infant years;
In his young bosom nurture every truth,
'Till ripen'd worth and manly virtue glow,
And mark him thine and thy Padilla's son.
The hasty moments fly—I must away—
I risque a battle on the morning dawn.

O may we meet again with brighter hopes!—

Don Juan.
We meet again with glory and renown—
Or, meet no more.—

—Or meet no more!
The dread idea stiffens every nerve.

Don Juan.
Let no ill omen'd word escape thy lip.
Fair freedom stands, and waves her laurel high,
She, on the acme of her burnish'd throne,
Shall hail the morrow with applauding shouts,
And greet Maria, as the guardian queen
Of union, peace, and liberty to Spain.
