University of Virginia Library



Hillel Foundation: Friday
Deli-Diner Feb 11, 6:00 p.m.
295-4963 for reservations.

REMINDER: Don't forget to get
your tickets for Friday night's
Midwinter's Weekend Concert.
Tickets: $3.00 advance, $4.00

Biology Seminar, Dr. Robert Briggs
of Indiana University 4:00 p.m.,
Gilmer Hall, Room 150.

"Operation Entertainment" Friday,
February 11, 7-9 p.m. Cable T.V.
Room, $.75 for cup, drink all the

Prism—Fri—Steve Goss and John
Van Lear-original material
Sat-Sunset Lou-Blues.

Bernard Weisberger, Informal
Seminar. "Popular Religion in the
19th Century." 4A Newcomb. Feb
11. 1972 9:00 a.m.


Moto-Cross Club meeting-Thurs.
8:00 p.m.—Newcomb Hall-Room 4
B-All interested in dirt riding.

German Department announces a
lecture by Prof. Karl S. Guthke,
Harvard, on "The Death of Tragedy
and the Rebirth of Comedy: A
Metaphysical Farce in Modern
Theatre," 4:00 p.m., Wilson Hall
301. All invited.

Thursday Feb. 10, 1972, 7:30 p.m.
Bernard Weisberger "Labor in the
U.S. 1896-1916, McGregor Room,
Alderman. Public invited.

Sailing association—Second
semester organizational meeting.
Room 4A Newcomb Hall. 9:00
Thursday night—Jackets are in.

Cannon Crew meeting Thursday
Feb. 10 8:00 p.m. conference room
Newcomb Hall. New members

Eli Banana meeting Thurs. night,
10:00 p.m. St. Anthony Hall.


Blind Student needs grad student to
help in library. Willing to pay. Call
Madison Hall.

The Experimental University does
exit. Catalogues at Newcomb Hall
desk, Alderman Library, and 120
Chancellor Street.

newspapers by bringing them to
Bonneycastle or Tuttle this Saturday

Girl Scout Troop at McIntire
School needs helper, Tuesday
afternoon. Call Madison Hall,
Kathy Gradel

Blind graduate student needs
people to read for him. Rate is
$1.25/hr. Preferred if could be
done at night. Call David at
295-7760 after 6:30 p.m.