University of Virginia Library



Student Council meeting, 7:00 P.M.
Student Government offices, 4th
floor Newcomb Hall.

Film Union meeting-215 Wilson
Hall, 8:00 P.M. Important meeting.
Mandatory meeting—all volunteers
to coach basketball teams for IFC
program, Tues. Oct. 16, 6:30 p.m.,
IFC office.

Unitarian Co-Operative Pre-School:
Dr. Dorothy Simpson speaking on
Children's Art 8:00 P.M., Thomas
Jefferson Memorial Unitarian
Church Rugby Rd and Edgewood


Raven Society Elections
Meeting-7:30 P.M. Jefferson Hall:
Bring Check book.

Students for a free society (U. Va.
Y.A.F.) will meet November 17,
8:30 P.M. Newcomb 4A.

Outing Club Meeting Wednesday
7:30 P.M. Informal Lounge
Newcomb Hall.


Volunteers needed to visit old folks
occasionally: transportation
provided. Call Kathy Gradel,
Madison Hall.

PK German Ushers—All those who
have not returned their arm bands,
please return to Union Office or
David Shea.