University of Virginia Library


Wanted—Singers and People who
like to sing. Join Choir of St. Paul's
Church in Ivy (only 5 miles west on
250). Investigate some interesting
repertoire with us and enjoy taking
part in an active parish in country.
Tuesday evenings, :00—9:00. For
more information call 293-2000

Roommate needed to share single
room efficiency 295-3172

Wanted: Old piano that is suitable
for practice. 973-4668

Male help for nights and weekends
for kitchen and dish washing. Apply
in person Expresso Restaurant,
1202 W. Main.

Third Girl needed for one room in
apt. house, 5 minute walk from
grounds. Please call 295-6094.

Recording Secretary Tuesday night.
$2.00 per hour for Student Council
Meeting. 924-3454.