University of Virginia Library


Shadwell Estates - 3 bdrm brick, 1½
baths, 2 car garage, bamt, 2.8 acres.
Call 293-4600.

AKAI 150-D (Roberts 650XD Tape
Deck; New; Bargain, Barter or
Trade; 973-4897 after 6:00 - $243.

For Sale: Stereo: turntable, Sony
amp. air cushion speakers. New!
$125. Also sears tape recorder, cost
$55. Will sell for $25. See at 337
15th st. SW. (I block off Jeff. Park
Ave., near Wilson Hall)

EQUIPMENT Name brand new &
used equipm. Everything reduced.
Check our low prices before Spring
Break. Also we'll help sell your old
equipment. Have a nice break.
296-1153 Ken 973-6148 Barry.

Ampex Stereo console, complete
system in one unit of mahogany;
R/R Tape Deck, Tuner, Amplifier,
Speakers, Record Changer. 10 yrs.
old but in GREAT shape $1400
new-approx. $200, 296-1153 Ken
Sacrifice — Moving.