University of Virginia Library



Meeting - All Draft Counselors at 7
P.M. in So. meeting Rm. (N.H.).

CAVE CLUB meeting at 7:30 P.M.
in 4A (N.H.)

YR Board Meeting - 9 P.M. Conf.
Rm. N.H. All interested invited.
Dr. Fletcher, author of Situation
Ethics and Prof. of Medical Ethics
at the Med. School will speak at
7:30 P.M. in C-2 of Med. School to
AED Public welcome.

Prof. Calvin Woodard on "Poverty
in America" in Wilson Hall at 5
P.M. Public invited.

Attention: Jefferson Society
Probationaries, mandatory meeting
at 8 P.M. Jeff. Hall if unable to
attend - call John Covalla

Ski Team meeting in P.M. - Rm. 4B
of N.H. IMPT. 7:30 P.M.


at 5 in Grad. Lounge - 59 West

Prof. Shenfield on "Do We Need
Anti-Trust?" at 4 P.M. in Rouse
Hall 104.

Fantasy-Sci-Fi "This Island
Earth" and "Lost Horizon" plus
cartoons. Friday 7:00 and 10:30
P.M. 401 JWH. Pres. by Film Prod

SIGMA XI Luncheon Meeting at 1
P.M. Parlor A, N.H. L.V.
on "Air Pollution Control".

University Union - Alderman
Legislative Council Dance, Fri.,
Feb. 19, 8-12 P.M., Ballroom,
Newcomb Hall, $2.50 per couple.

Expand your mind beyond the twin
planes of fantasy and science
fiction. From the people who
brought you "Alice in Wonderland"
comes a new Cinema trip - "This
Island Earth" and "Lost Horizon"
plus Peppie LaPue and Roadrunner
cartoons. Fri., Feb. 19, 7:00 and
10:30 P.M. 401 JWH, Donations.

Peace Corps - 2nd floor, Newcomb
Hall. Feb. 15-19.

Chemistry major or Chemical
Engineer? 1st rush smoker for
Alpha Chi Sigma, the Professional
Chemistry Fraternity, will be Fri.
Feb. 8:00, 111 Montebello
Circle. For further Info. check
around Chem. Bldg. or call
295-6766. Bring a date or come
alone, refreshments will be served.


At the Prism, Fri-Sat.:
Penetanguishene of Harrisonburg,
Va. Some good ole country fun. 75
cents, Doors Open 8:00.

Experimental University surfboard
Making Course - Organize early -
Hank Marx 295-3251 or Mo Cox

French Essay contest deadline is
April 1 Interested applicants who
have not already done so should
consult Prof. Artinian in CH 301,
MWF 11-12.

Med. Students: Student Council
and Judiciary "Write-in" election
will be Wed. and Thurs. Petition
Deadline - Thurs. 5 P.M.

Managers are needed for Va.
Varsity Baseball Team. Travel and
other benefits. Bat girls are also
needed. Jim McGraw. 296-3156.


1 book in 430 Cabell during
ad-drop. Call 295-1766 and

After Va.- Md. game, plaid Brooks
Bros. scarf. Contact Stephen Brown
- 2321 Highland Ave.

Man's ring, silver with black
"stone"- identify Director's Office,

Watch - near outside basketball
courts - identify at C.D. Office.


lost or stolen: Men's wallet.
Valuable papers desperately
needed. $10 Reward Call 296-0928.
Ask for Mike - no questions asked.